If you receive a message that prevents you from opening RootsMagic. The RootsMagic registration key can be cleared by opening RootsMagic in a main view and using the key combo Ctrl+Shift+U, selecting "Reset Registration Information", then closing the program to clear it. The refresh button is located near the top of the Share Data tab, next to the UnMatch button. In that case click on the refresh button to reload both panels and display the updates made. It just means RootsMagic refreshed before FamilySearch could send the changes.

When making changes the FamilySearch Person Tool may look like nothing happened. The FT API also supports limited special characters, some characters may cause a login issue. If you have that turned on with FamilySearch you will need to remove it. FamilySearch's FT API does not currently support two-factor verification. Then go to Publish>FamilySearch Central and see if you can login. In a main view use the key combo Ctrl+Shift+U and select "Reset Program Settings". If you are still unable to login temporarily turn off your firewall, antivirus and internet filtering software to see if one of them is blocking RM8 access to the internet. If you are using two-factor verification append the code received to the end of the password, without any spaces. Then go to Publish>Ancestry TreeShare and see if you can login. Go to Settings>WebHints and click on "Reset TreeShare". When I click on Ancestry TreeShare login nothing happens or I receive a message my password is incorrect. (See Creating a New Database for additional steps) During the restore process it will create a new (.rmtree) file and leave the RootsMagic 7 backup file intact. The RootsMagic 7 backup (.rmgb) needs to be restored inside of RootsMagic 8 by going to Files, Restore from backup. The new database will then have the correct (.rmtree) file extension. The RootsMagic 7 database (.rmgc) file needs to be imported into RootsMagic 8 by creating a new file. The RootsMagic 7 database (.rmgc) cannot be opened inside RootsMagic 8. RootsMagic 8 has a different file format and extension for database (.rmtree) and backup (.rmbackup) files. How do I open my RootsMagic 7 database or backup in RootsMagic 8 7 Will Personal Historian and Family Atlas work with RootsMagic 8.6 Has the RootsMagic App for iOS devices been updated.1 How do I open my RootsMagic 7 database or backup in RootsMagic 8.