But to purchase or rent, it needs to be done through the Store. And you can browse for content through the same app. You can also use the Movies & TV app to download titles for offline viewing. Any title you buy from Amazon or Google, for example, will show up in your collection on Windows 10 and Xbox. This includes Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, and more. Now you can find deals on movies and shows from Microsoft and then watch them on virtually any device. Previously, when you purchased a movie from Microsoft, you could only watch it from Windows 10 or an Xbox console. With Microsoft joining Movies Anywhere, this section of the store got much more appealing. For example, you can install the desktop version of iTunes from the store.

You can find apps by category, bundles, app specials, or search for a specific name. There are apps in every category, from productivity to entertainment and everything in between. The Apps section is where you will find free and paid UWP apps designed for the Windows 10 experience.